4 Ways IFC Stands Out From

Other Personal Training Companies

  • 1) Teaching > Training:

    We view ourselves as teachers, not just trainers. We don't want to just tell you what to do, we want to TEACH you how to do it, why you should do it, and how to keep doing it.

  • 2) Customization > Cookie Cutter programs:

    You're unique, so your programming should be as well. We assess your strengths and weaknesses and build your program around those. We choose the things that will give you the best results according to your body.

  • 3) Certified and Educated > Social Media "Experts":

    We went to school for this. We studied for months to get the best certificates. We do weekly meetings to break down studies and articles. We have trained hundreds of clients in person. We DON'T post Tik-Tok videos of random stuff we made up on the spot. Sorry.

  • 4) Mindset > Motivation:

    Many trainers/people rely on motivation RATHER than a mindset to get things done and get better. The difference is motivation is a fleeting emotion that comes and goes. Mindset is something you establish for the long term and gets you to do things even when you don't feel like doing them.