IFC Professional Trainers

  • personal trainers charlotte

    Ashton Baalaer

    NASM CPT/ PN Nutritionist

    Ashton has been a trainer for 7 years and has helped hundreds of clients achieve a healthy lifestyle.

    He went to school for exercise/nutritional sciences and uses both to help clients get the best results. He specializes in helping clients gain muscle, lose fat, and boost metabolism through strength training and good nutrition.

  • personal trainers charlotte

    Christian Hill

    NASM CPT/ CSCS/ B.S. Kinesiology

    Having a deep knowledge of exercise physiology and performance training, Christian emphasizes mobility, stability, and foundation training in his training sessions to keep his clients strong and lifting for a long time.

    Christian has worked with many clients coming from many different backgrounds. He likes to create a challenging yet fun program for his clients to follow.

  • Female trainer in charlotte

    Lexi Pawlusik

    B.S. Exercise Sports Science, ACE-CPT, RYT 200

    Specializing in the mind-body approach, Lexi excels at empowering her clients to optimize their physical performance and unlock their full potential.

    With years of knowledge and experience in the exercise field, she works to develop sustainable habits that promote long-term success. Whether your objective is to lose weight, increase muscle mass, or improve overall fitness, Lexi’s personalized approach will help you achieve results.

  • personal trainers charlotte

    Elliot Shaw


    Elliot has been a personal trainer for over 10 years and has helped clients of all ages & abilities achieve their optimal health and fitness.

    With extensive knowledge in bodybuilding, mobility, functional training, nutrition and lifestyle habits, Elliot will use his experience to help you become the strongest and healthiest version of yourself.

  • Brieanna Hernandez

    M.S. in Human Performance, CSCS, NASM CPT

    With the belief that training should enhance your day-to-day life, Brie specializes in building strength and functional movements that will keep you active for years to come.

    Brie can train anyone from young athletes to older populations. her mission is to create programs that both challenge and empower you while making your goals a reality.