Personal/Hybrid Training

Learn to be your Best from the Best

Personal Training

  • The core purpose of our programming is to achieve these 3 things. Most goals of our clients will align with this programming and studies show those who are stronger, have more muscle mass, and less body fat live a longer, higher quality of life.

  • Weight Training is the best modality for long-term results and health BUT only if you're doing it right. Working with an IFC trainer will ensure the exercise given to you is within your skillset and we'll progress you slowly to decrease injury.

    We'll also cue you to use the correct muscles and technique so that way you know how to perform the exercise at its highest efficiency.

  • Nutrition is a underutilized component in most Personal Training services. Not here at IFC. Nutrition is a foundational pillar in our programming and we'll make sure your nutrition is woking for you and not against you.

    We'll also work on mobilizing tight areas of your body and working on weakness to make sure it's the best your body has moved.

Hybrid Training

  • Hands down our BEST Value service is hybrid training.

    • You get the in-person experience with a trainer to help you learn how to move your body and build the habit of going to the gym.

    • Then you get the online training to help you navigate your healthy lifestyle outside of your personal training sessions.

    This allows you to get the most out of our program inside our facility and when by yourself.

  • Clients participating in Hybrid Training have a unique advantage because we see them in person for sessions and what they do outside of our time together.

    • So we're able to adjust workouts and nutrition better because we see what their life looks like every day rather than just the days they train in the facility.

  • Because this blend of In-person and Online works so well, clients that participate in Hybrid training typically see faster results and graduate our program faster.

Hear from our clients!

Brenda- IFC Hybrid Client

“I’ve trained with other personal trainers but Inertia has helped me the most with my relationship with food. If you are looking for someone who actually cares about your body and mind this is the place for you.”

Ellie- IFC Personal Training Client

“Prior to Inertia I was only doing group classes and wasn’t seeing the results I wanted for the time I was putting in. Inertia has helped me get results I never thought were possible and I’m actually spending less total time training because the workouts are so effective and efficient.