What We Offer

Personal/Hybrid Training

Our Personal Training is an extensive, customized experience to meet you at your starting point and create a plan to hit your goals. Mentally, physically, and nutritionally helping you develop healthier habits and become your best self.

(Hybrid Training is the unique mix of In-Person and Online Training. Giving you the ultimate plan to get results!)

Online Training

Our Online Training service is done through the convenience of our IFC App. In this app, you’ll see all your workouts, nutrition plan, calendar, and habits personalized to your goals set by your trainer!

(Hybrid Training is the unique mix of In-Person and Online Training. Giving you the ultimate plan to get results!)

3D Body Scan Analysis

A Styku 3D body scan is a non-invasive, quick, and painless scan that uses infrared cameras and software to create a 3D model of a person's body. The scan provides a personalized report with detailed measurements of body composition.

(Styku 3D Body scan is FREE when you do an evaluation session with a trainer!)